Tips for ordering in November!

2. Northern Light Black Spruce
3. Pine
4. Orange, Nutmeg, Cinnamon Bark
5. Stress Away and Peppermint (aka candy cane blend)

It might be your new favorite oil for spiritual meditation, or to add a little peace to your daily life.
This soothing, nurturing blend was created to inspire unity and to bring our members together in purpose and thought. Higher Unity promotes an environment of spiritual harmony and awareness. All oils are sourced and farmed following sustainable methods that align with our strict Seed to Seal® commitment to quality.

•Floral, sweet, and uplifting citrus aroma
•Promotes the appearance of healthy, glowing skin
•Promotes a feeling of empowerment, unity, and compassion
•Helps reduce the appearance of blemishes
•Promotes an environment of spiritual harmony and awareness
•Contains natural constituents geraniol, santalol, limonene, alpha-pinene
Don’t get your tinsel in a tangle! ‘Tis the season to sparkle, after all! We have your Black Friday specials covered so that you can easily make your list! 20% off over 50 essential oils and diffusers and a new 7 Roll-On Set at a discounted price! This is the most amazing Black Friday yet!!
Stress Away 15 ml: Holidays don’t need to be stressful with this little miracle in a bottle! Diffuse, use on wrist, ears, or neck, or in a Epsom salt bath with the hubs puts the kids to bed-however you use it don’t forget to breathe in the smell and recognize the tension draining away!
Valor 5 ml: This guy is your little non-alcoholic liquid courage for conquering those holiday get togethers & a chiropractor in a bottle for those long car rides/sleigh rides!
Frankincense Vitality 5 ml: Want to remain calm and not the family chaos being you down this year? Just take a few drops on your thumb and place it on the roof of your mouth and you won’t need to spike the punch this year! Want a little more chill? Fill a veggie capsule and take before stressful days.
Lavender 15 ml: Pretty much the answer to any problem: I mean what can you NOT use lavender for? You can never have enough IMO. Rub on feet, on sheets, diffuse..this oil is the most well rounded bottle you will ever own!
Christmas Spirit 15 ml:The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to diffuse Christmas Spirit all year! Christmas Spirit is in my diffuser right now and it reserves its own shelf in my back up stash...the mood shifts to cheery and bright every time I have it diffusing in my home! It’s my favorite to wear in diffuser necklaces right now as well….those grinches in the store can’t get me down!
Peppermint 15 ml:Every. Mans. Favorite. Oil. I know a few are going in my mans stocking this year! Little too much eggnog? Rub on your tummy. Few to many spirits at the party? Rub on your temples. Hot from all that cooking? Place a few drops on each ear. Need a wake me up after all the fun? Diffuse some peppermint and you will be ready to go!
Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood 5 ml:Island getaway in the middle of the winter, yes please. This Exquisite oil is an amazing perfume and excellent for mood and skin support! It is the perfect thing to add to your face serum because not only will it lift your skin, but it will also lift your mood.
Citrus Fresh Vitality 5 ml:Yummy addition to your water to help with your new years weight and detoxification goals! Bonus: it helps support your lymphatic systems natural detoxing process which we can all use a little extra help with this time of year.
Lemon 15 ml:Liven up your mid-winter mood with lemon in the diffuser & love on your liver by applying it topically right over that important organ! Kids spill their new Christmas paints? Get it out with lemon. The best natural cleaner around.
Tea Tree 15ml: Everyone’s immune system can use some extra support this time of year right? This is a great option to get it! Skin a little prone to break out with change of weather and all the yummy food? Tea tree will help! This oil is a must have in every Mama’s tool box.
Thieves 15 ml:A must have all the time oil. Sure we use it more during the fall and winter months, but you never know when you will need some extra thieves! Don’t forget to diffuser during your holiday parties (a few drops of orange with it in the diffuser makes its that much better) As a big family mama, I always have a few extra bottles laying around so we can amp up support the second we need to.
Peace and Calming 5ml: This is literally a relaxing spa feeling in a bottle. This helps my children remain calm during those stressful times of the day, and year….who am I kidding? It helps Mom and Dad stay calm just as much! Difficult family member coming in town? Grab an extra bottle or 2.
Rose 5 ml:One of the most valued and sought after oils of all time! I can not believe it has been included in Black Friday sale! You will not regret grabbing a bottle. Here are some words that come to mind when I think of smelling rose oil, love, patience, strength, focus, attraction, confidence, positive, frequency. The high frequency of rose will increase your frequency, which will if you don’t understand yet, you should 100% look it up! Rose, ahhhhhhh! Pro Tip: pair this with Abundance and wear everyday, take note of the positive changes in your mind and life.
Sacred Sandalwood 5 ml:At the top of my want list. Apply this to the base of your skull and forehead before bed and you will have the most magical nights sleep. It is great for focus and literally AMAZING for the skin!
Copaiba 15 ml:Our family’s liquid gold, this oil travels with us everywhere we go. A gentle oil used to soothe a teething babe or calm a tantruming toddler. Add to some epsom salts for a relaxing bath after a workout or long day. Copaiba promotes youthful skin and is an awesome addition to your moisturizer. Diffuse during a mediation or at bedtime with Frankincense for a peaceful sleep.
Geranium 15 ml:Encouraging feelings of peace and spirituality, Geranium has a beautiful floral scent that will leave you feeling happy! Geranium is also wonderful for the skin, so you may like to add a few drops to your moisturizer to help brighten its appearance. Give your hair a boost of shine by adding Geranium to your shampoo bottle! This magical floral oil is also very soothing when applied to the abdomen after childbirth or during the monthly cycle.
ImmuPower 15 ml:Our powerhouse, major mojo, heavy hitter stay well solution. This blend is always in stock at our house and we treasure it for all of its benefits. You’ll find us rolling it on our spines and bottoms of our feet often during this season!
Digize 15 ml:The secret weapon stomach solution. Digize to the rescue whether you need to slow things down or get things going. It provides immediate comfort and is awesome after large meals or wild parties.
Blue Tansy 5 ml:The unicorn oil of oils! Blue Tansy is a main ingredient in some of our most favorite oils (Valor, Peace & Calming, Dream Catcher, Release, Highest Potential, to name a few). It’s extremely relaxing and soothing, which is why it’s in so many of the emotional oils. It acts as a calming force, lessening the tension in your body which allows for the weights to be lifted off your shoulders! Blue Tansy is also AMAZING for your skin because of its regenerating properties!! We know antioxidants are so important for our overall health, well they are also amazing for your skin - Blue Tansy has an antioxidant level of 68,800!!! Enhance your favorite moisturizer by adding Blue Tansy and applying it topically to help soothe and moisturize the skin.
Rosemary 15 ml:AKA liquid memory! Apply a drop to the back of your neck or diffuse while you are studying, working or presenting. An ancient tool used by many to sharpen their mind. It is also a powerhouse for wellness all year round. Diffuse to keep yourself and your family healthy this winter, while it is supporting your immune system you may feel the incredible relaxing benefits of this oil!
White Angelica 5ml:This oil applied to your body helps keep you positive despite your surroundings. Ever walked in after someone was fighting and can just feel the tension in the room? Did it bring your good mood down a notch or two? White Angelica helps us not lose that notch or two when we are dealing with negative people or negative situations.
Citronella 15 ml:Mostly known to be used for outdoor pest, and is a key player in Young Living insect repellant. I just found out that it has much more uses, including supporting your immune system and helping your body fight off invading viruses! Always learning.
Orange 15ml & Orange Vitaity 5ml:May be the most undervalued oil of all oils in my opinion. It has amazing effects on multiple body systems, helps relieve tension and stress, and quite frankly makes everything smell amazing. Already a very inexpensive oil, but with the sale you would be wise to stock up.
Vetiver 5 ml:Can you say chill? A little vetiver can tame your hyper toddler, anxious teenager and your mama or daddy nerves like none other. It is perfect for a bedtime diffuser blend and men love to use it in beard oil to maintain their mellow mojo all day long.
Cedarwood 15 ml:Sleep please. This oil supports your pituitary gland, helps your body balance melatonin levels, and is high in those brain boosting sesquiterpenes. Diffuse, apply to feet, forehead, or brain stem. I very inexpensive oil, even more inexpensive on Friday
Eucalyptus Globulus 15 ml:A staple in the Eucalyptus community Globus has a deep scent but it is so rich in all of its uses. Apply diluted to the skin to promote healing and cleanliness. Diffuse for a spa like environment while supporting the respiratory systems and immune system of everyone. It pairs well with other tree oils and peppermint in the diffuser while meditating, studying or enjoying a cozy evening with friends and family.
Eucalyptus Radiata 15 ml:My personal favorite out of all the eucalyptus smells it is a power house at supporting your respiratory system and creating a serene environment. Apply to your chest and back before bed to have a peaceful night's sleep. Diffuse with Rosemary, Pine and Peppermint to create that spa environment, while supporting your immune system and respiratory system. Add a drop to a cotton ball and put it in the corner of your shower for an invigorating steam shower.
Ginger 5 ml:The smell of this oil takes me back to the real ginger ale, or ginger lozenges my Mom use to give me when I had an upset tummy. Ginger is a great addition to many recipes, helps soothe the stomach and aide the bodies natural ability to heal.
Lime Vitality 5ml:Summertime, anytime. Lime is a favorite addition to cocktails, mocktails, Ningxia Red, dessert, guacamole, chicken and fish dishes and even your water bottle.
Bergamot 15 ml:My favorite out of all the citrus oils, it is a bright invigorating aroma. Add to your diffuser jewelry, to the diffuser with lavender, pine or grounding for a uplifting environment. Bergamot also has some powerful skin-cleansing properties making it an awesome addition in your morning or evening routine. Take a capsule of Bergamot & Frankincense vitality, and enjoy your evening. You can thank me later.
Gentle Baby 5 ml:Calming and skin soothing for mama and baby alike, we have so many families who swear by this oil. It is excellent for diffusing to set the tone for a restful night’s sleep and feels amazing on skin of all ages and conditions. Many mamas like to apply it to their baby’s bottom after diaper changes and to their own stretch marks or scars after cesarean section.
Thieves Vitality 5ml: Ummmm. Here are some quick ways we add Thieves Vitality to our life, few drops in tea, few drops in raw honey soothes the throat, fill a veggie capsule and take to support your immune system, Thieves no bake oatmeal balls, Thieves in our steel cut oats, few drops in our Ningxia Red...really Thieves in just about anything
Clove 15 ml:Clove oil has ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity - google it to learn more!!!) value of over 1,000,000. By comparison, the ORAC score for blueberries, which we all know are crazy healthy, is only 2,400. WOW. This oil is a powerhouse, and must have in our winter wellness toolkit! Also wonderful to dilute and rub on the gums for oral health.
Cypress 15 ml:supports healthy circulation like no other oil. After traveling my jeans can be tighter just from the lack of circulation on the plane, if I apply cypress to my legs this helps them! It is a key player in Raindrop, and helps support a healthy lymphatic system which is crucial to a healthy immune system.
Joy 15 ml:Joy over the heart everyday makes a huge difference in our moods, especially the girls of the family. If the smell is to flowery for you, add a few drops of orange and you won’t have any more problems with it.
Peppermint Vitality 5 ml:Energy in a bottle. Put a drop on your thumb for a wake up call and to open all the airways! Add a drop to your water, hot cocoa or the next brownies you make! Also known as air conditioner in a bottle, apply a drop to the back of your neck when looking to cool down.
Lavender vitality 5 ml: Have you ever added lavender to a drink or recipe? It is surprisingly delicious. Lavender is super beneficial for calming the nervous system as well as the musculoskeletal system. It has also supports the immune system, so once again, it’s a go-to for all of the things!
Patchouli 15 ml:This isn’t your average hippie patchouli, y’all. It is one of the most calming and grounding oils around. Both men and women love it and it seems to take on a different scent depending on the body chemistry of the wearer. Many pair it with a citrus or pine to liven up its earthy scent. It is also an amazing treat for your skin. I love how most skin oils are also mood supportive oils because applying to my face means double the benefits!
Raven 15 ml: Out of all the respiratory supporting oils this is the magical evening blend for your whole clan. We make our favorite night time balm with Raven, Lavender and coconut oil. Diffuse for an invigorating aroma. To really pack a powerful diffuser add Thieves and Raven together and kick those yucks to the curb.
Endoflex 15 ml:Otherwise known as God’s gift to women with hormones. Get it. Commit to applying for at least 30 days. Enjoy the hormonal balance, increased energy, weight loss, and non psycho cycles-come to think of it you using this oil could be your better halves present! He can also use it to support his endocrine system and metabolism! It’s a unisex vitality oil that tastes awesome in water and smells great!
Spearmint 5 ml:A yummy oil and aroma it is a key oil in citrus fresh and within the slique line to promote digestion! Add to your water or apply topically to your abdomen. Spearmint can be powerful when it comes to opening and releasing emotional blocks. Add a drop to your palm and breathe deep to feel peace and balance.
Clary Sage 15 ml:Ask Lucy Libido how important Clary Sage is for all of the ladies! It’s a hormone supportive that also helps with circulation and mood. It has a light almost herbal tea aroma that is very calming.
Melrose 15 ml:Another must have for moms of littles, rub around ears to keep them healthy all year round, apply to chest and throat for respiratory support, and apply to pimples that pop up from all that new Mama stress-not even kidding ladies.
Sleepyize 5 ml:I have an extremely amazing child that is overcoming sensory challenges and this oil was the final answer for her sleep issues! She, as well as a few of her other siblings, ask for this oil by name and cheer when it comes in my box. They know their bodies need sleep, and are thankful for the help this bottle gives them.
Tummygize 5 ml:If I had a penny for every time a kid said ‘Mama I need Tummygize’ They love the support this oil gives their digestive system, we apply straight to the tummy and since it is already pre-diluted for little ones I pop a roller top on it and let them take it with them wherever they go. Isn’t it fun to empower our children to know how to support their bodies in healthy, non-toxic ways?
Abundance 15 ml:Did you know Young Living placed this oil in the paint in corporate offices? You can see how that turned out! This oil helps you overcome your blocks in regards to living a life of abundance, and after all He did say He came to give us life and give it abundantly-I certainly don’t mind using His tools to get rid of the blocks I have from receiving all He has for me!
Oregano 15 ml: Hopefully by now you know that every home needs oregano. It is a powerhouse oil. Just google all of the clinical studies that have been done on this one and how effective it is!
Desert Mist Diffuser: A new favorite! This ceramic inspired design has all the features for your living space and bedroom. With 3 time settings that can give you up to 10+ hours of diffusing, it also has 11 different light settings including the new favorite, flickering candle! A hardy, medical grade plastic so it is safe around the whole family!
Lantern Diffuser:The newly released Lantern diffuser is the first metal diffuser that brings the favorite features of the Desert Mist into this lantern design. Bring it outside for a BBQ or keep in your home.
Aria Diffuser:The beautiful and luxurious bamboo and glass diffuser we all love. It plays tranquil music, has 4 led light settings and creates that beautiful serene environment.
Rainstone Diffuser:The luxurious diffuser. This handmade from ancient purple clay diffuser is well loved by many. With its robust settings and features it is a favorite in many homes. What a treat to get this unique diffuser for a special price.
ALSO, Here is the icing on the Black Friday Cake! We are super excited to announce the release of a
7 Piece Roll-on Set available while supplies last for $199.75thrive with Thieves, rest easy with RutaVaLa, dance with Deep Relief, simplify with Stress Away, transform with Tranquil, versify with Valor, and balance with Breathe Again. This will be the only way to purchase RutaVaLa at this time!
Can you say Higher Unity AGAIN? And AGAIN?
Due to high order volumes, please allow for extra shipping time. Cyber Monday Deals coming soon! YL GO order processed first..
How exciting is this? I have my alarm set for 9am CST to pop on and place my order. I'd love to know what you are ordering for yourself & your families. Please share!
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