Before we get started into makeup application, we want to talk about the importance of beauty that starts on the inside.
At Young Living, we believe in a holistic approach to beauty. We don’t want you to use
makeup as a band-aid for underlying issues, because getting to the root cause of your acne or blemishes may help improve other areas of your life as well! If you consistently need more and more makeup coverage, take a deeper look at your health and see how you can support you skin and gut from the inside out.

Skin issues can definitely be caused by more than one thing, but generally speaking, acne, skin irritations, redness, puffiness, oiliness, dryness, and uneven skin tone can all be tied back to internal imbalances. Hormones, diet, and digestive function can play a major role on our skin’s appearance. You may be asking, “But how do these systems affect my skin?” The skin is an elimination system; and unfortunately, acne can be a sign of digestive unrest, meaning your digestive system is struggling in some way or another to do its job, which results in toxin elimination through the skin. This could be due to a food intolerance, allergy, inflammation, unbalanced microbiome, or other digestive issues. Your diet and digestive system also affect your hormones. Everything is connected—your skin care regimen, lifestyle, and diet will have a huge impact on your skin.
Below are some tips for supporting your skin on a cellular level, so you can have a smooth, radiant glow!
1. Skin care routine: It is extremely important to cleanse, tone, and moisturize your skin every morning and night. We’ll talk more about this later!
2. Sleep: It’s called beauty sleep for a reason, and sleep deprivation is the No. 1 way to age yourself. During sleep, your skin rejuvenates and repairs itself. Blood circulation is boosted during sleep, which brings nutrients and oxygen to skin cells. If you have puffy eyes, a washed-out complexion, and dull skin, it’s usually a sign of not enough sleep. When you don’t get enough sleep, cortisol levels can rise, and your skin becomes inflamed and stressed. Shoot for 7–9 hours every night and add essential oils with relaxing scents to your bedtime routine, including Lavender, Valerian, Peace & Calming®, and RutaVaLa™.
3. Water: Water is essential for healthy skin. You can apply all the moisturizing creams you want, but if you’re chronically dehydrated, it will show in your face! Water helps boost your metabolism, flush out toxins, circulate nutrients throughout the body, and hydrate skin cells. Try to drink at least half your body weight in ounces every day, minimize your coffee intake, and limit your alcohol consumption. Try infusing your water with essential oils such as Lemon Vitality™, Lemongrass Vitality, and Grapefruit Vitality for a fresh taste!
4. Stress management: Do you break out more when you’re stressed? You are not alone. Stress causes your body to make hormones like cortisol, which then tell your skin glands to make more oil, and oily skin is more prone to acne and other skin problems. When you’re stressed, try doing some self-care, meditation, or yoga combined with your favorite essential oils. Some of our favorites are Stress Away™, Peace & Calming, and Northern Lights Black Spruce.
5. Work out: Exercise increases your blood oxygen and releases toxins through sweat, which leads to clearer, firmer skin. Don’t forget to wash your face with a cleanser after breaking a sweat, followed by a moisturizer appropriate for your skin type.
6. Diet: It has been suggested that acne is, at its root, an inflammatory disease. Foods like dairy, refined grains and sugars, gluten, and fast food/processed foods may contribute to inflammation. Try cleaning up your diet by eating lots of organic fruits and vegetables while limiting processed foods to give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs to fight inflammation.
7. Supplements: In addition to a healthy lifestyle, supplements can help support your skin from the inside out. Modern diets can be lacking in the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to function optimally. NingXia Red™, Sulfurzyme™, OmegaGize3™, Super C™, and Super B™ are some of our favorite supplements to support wellness.
Start by making simple lifestyle changes and lessening the toxic load on your body. A healthy outside starts with a healthy inside! Now let’s talk about supplements that, in addition to a healthy lifestyle, can help support the appearance of healthy, radiant skin!
1. NingXia Red®: Ningxia Red is packed with antioxidants!* Antioxidants help fight off the harmful effects of free radicals.
2. Sulfurzyme®: Sulfurzyme combines the power of wolfberry with MSM, a naturally occurring, organic form of dietary sulfur. It is also referred to as “the beauty mineral” and is known for feeding the skin from the inside out.
3. OmegaGize3™: Fatty acids are crucial for your skin to look youthful. OmegaGize3 combines the power of three core daily supplements: omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D3, and CoQ10. OmegaGize3 may support general wellness, including the wellness of your skin.*
4. Super B™: Super B is a comprehensive vitamin complex containing all eight essential, energy-boosting B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12). Super B not only assists in maintaining healthy energy levels and supporting mood and cardiovascular and cognitive function,* but it’s also great for hair, skin, and nails.
5. Super C™: Did you know vitamin C is an antioxidant? Super C not only contains 2,166 percent of the recommended dietary intake of vitamin C per serving, but it is also fortified with rutin, citrus bioflavonoids, and minerals to balance electrolytes. The ingredients in Super C play a role in normal immune and circulatory functions and promote overall health, vitality, and longevity, which is crucial for skin health!* Because our bodies cannot manufacture vitamin C, we can benefit by consuming this powerful antioxidant daily!
6. AgilEase™: AgilEase uses unique and powerful ingredients such as frankincense powder, UC-II undenatured collagen, hyaluronic acid, calcium fructoborate, and a specially formulated proprietary essential oil blend of Wintergreen, Copaiba, Clove, and Northern Lights Black Spruce—oils that are known for their joint health benefits. AgilEase was created for the joints, but the ingredients will also benefit your skin!
Don’t use makeup as a coverup for underlying issues! Start making simple lifestyle changes and lessening the toxic load you on your body. A healthy outside starts with a healthy inside.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.